Cultural Enzymes

Sometimes, little things in our world can create big changes.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Fox Filmed Entertainment has started producing feature films aimed at Christians.

Click here to read the article.

I've met Simon Swart. He's a good guy with a good heart. I admire him for the work he does.

My question is: are you interested in seeing movies based on Christian fiction books? If not, do you know people you think will be interested in these movies?

Are we doing ourselves a dis-service by accepting lower budget and perhaps not as well made films just because they are "Christian"?

Monday, September 18, 2006

"The better question then is: are we taking the time to notice if there are hurting people around us who need someone to truly care about them?"

This news article brought my closing question from Thursday to another level of meaning:,2933,214004,00.html

Thursday, September 14, 2006


See the article below about the gunman in the Montreal college shooting.

At first, my heart's response to this was to question how many more times something like this has to happen. Then, I realized, it will probably happen many more times during our lives.

The better question then is: are we taking the time to notice if there are hurting people around us who need someone to truly care about them?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

To all of those single working moms out there: I have a huge amount of respect for you. I know that my life right now is only a partial reflection of what you deal with every day, but my pace of life right now has brought me to a place of empathy for all of you.

Right now, I'm juggling:
-Raising a 2 year old
-Taking care of my amazing pregnant wife who's on bed rest
-A full-time job (and then some)
-Preparing to apply for law school

Man am I worn out! So to all of you single working moms, know that you deserve the utmost respect from the rest of us, and don't be afraid to ask us for help. (I've learned this the hard way, as my stupid male ego has often prevented me from doing that very thing.)

Friday, September 08, 2006

Married to a blogger

Well, it's official. I am married to a blogger. (I really want to get a bumper sticker made that says that!) My wife, who is carrying our 2nd child is on bed rest for several weeks, and she has become a blogger. So here I am, blogging about being married to a blogger and about getting ready to be a father of 2 (more on that to come).

One other topic that I'll likely blog about is the process that I'll be walking through over the next several months in applying to law school.